Realising the peri-urban potential 2020+
Future policies, strategies and programmes
Wednesday September 26, 2018 | 15.00 – 17.00
European Parliament, Brussels, Room JAN 6Q2
An opportunity to learn more about peri-urban areas in Europe – territories around and between cities where urban and rural features co-exist – and their potential contribution to future EU policies and programmes
Presented by the Peri-Urban Regions Platform Europe (PURPLE)
At the kind invitation of Franc Bogovič MEP (SLS/EPP) and (Vice President of the RUMRA intergroup)
The event will address territorial aspects of the recently published European Commission’s legislative proposals – especially on Cohesion Policy and the CAP – and the influence that these policies might have on peri-urban areas, their specific urban-rural character, landscape and quality of life
A detailed agenda will be available shortly, pre-register via PURPLE by e-mail to:
for more details see