On the occasion of the European Week of Regions and Cities, R.E.D. is co-organizing a workshop with LEADER France and the NAT Commission of the Committee of the Regions, entitled “How can rural innovation contribute to territorial and social cohesion?”
Live Webstreaming: click here
Workshop Webpage: click here
Download the presentation of Gérard Peltre, President of R.E.D.
- Enda Stenson (IE/AE), CoR rapporteur on EU strategy for Rural Revival
- Gérard PELTRE, President of the Rurality-Environment-Development network and the European Countryside Movement
Session 1: Best practices for innovation and experimental initiatives in rural areas to boost territorial and social cohesion
- Triin KALLAS, Project Manager, Estonian Leader Union, Estonia
- Albert PUIGVERT, Director, Xarxa Regional dels Grups d’Acció Local LEADER de Catalunya
- Discussion with participants
Session 2: Bottlenecks, opportunities and future possibilities for rural innovation : round table
- Radim Sršeň (CR/EPP), COR rapporteur on “The CoR’s contribution to the renewed Territorial Agenda, with special emphasis on community-led local development” and Vice Chair of the NAT commission
- Elsi KATAINEN (FI/Renew), Vice Chair of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, European Parliament
- Karolina Jasinska-Muehleck, Coordinator and policy development of LEADER, DG ARI, European Commission
- Discussion with participants
- Katrina IDU, Project Manager, Latvian Rural Forum, Latvia, Representative of the European Rural Youth Parliament
- Thibaut Guignard (FR/Renew), Chair of LEADER France and COR Member
Alexis LEBRAT, General Secretary, Leader France, France.