A European Rural Agenda
The European Rural Agenda aims to provide a political framework and operational guidelines for a future specific development policy for rural areas, responding to their diversity and the multisectoral dimension of their economic realities. The adoption of this European Rural Agenda, in an expected complementarity with the Urban Agenda, will be a strong guarantee of the necessary mobilization of all territories to meet the objectives of the European Union.
1. “Making Europe grow with its rural territories”
A proposal by R.E.D. co-built with the members of the Board of Directors and the expertise of certain members. It presents a truly innovative approach with new tools to modernize European policy for rural areas after 2020. The European Rural Agenda aims to integrate rural areas into the objectives of the European Union.
2. Organization of operational seminars
To share and enrich the proposal of R.E.D, operational seminars were organized in the Member States. More and more local actors are positioning themselves in favor of the European Rural Agenda.
3. Work Seminars
In partnership with the European Committee of the Regions, R.E.D. organized several events to reaffirm the diversity of rural territories and the need for a European Rural Agenda. They have made it possible to support, at European level, the arguments in its favor.
4. RUMRA Intergroup
In the European Parliament, the RUMRA intergroup has passed a resolution in favor of rural areas, voted on 3 October 2018.
To download :
- in french : Arguments pour un Agenda Rural Européen post 2020
- in english: Call for a European Rural Agenda post 2020
Consult the proposal
- in english : « Making Europe grow with its rural territories »
- in spanish : « Engrandecer Europa con los territorios rurales »
Conference reports
- Towards an Interfund to finance the integrated development of rural areas – Committee of the Regions – 19th of March, 2018
- For a Rural Agenda in the heart of Post-2020 Programming – Committee of the Regions – 19th of April, 2016
To download the RUMRA resolution – french version