In anticipation of the 26/05 European elections, R.E.D. pleads for a Europe close to the citizens that focuses on all its territories!
R.E.D. attests that citizens and territories can act with and by Europe!R.E.D. pleads for:the translation of the Resolution for a European Rural Agenda, adopted by the European Parliament on 3rd October 2018, into European policies and regulations.the recognition of rural territories as poles ...
A CAP post 2020, inspiring and reinforcing a European ambition in favor of rural territories in their diversity
For a European Rural Agenda expected by rural stakeholders and citizens. Reply of R.E.D. to the Communication of the European Commission about “The future of Agriculture and Food”. Focusing on the integrated sustainable development strategies of rural areas to meet the challenges of the CAP ...
A European Rural Agenda post 2020
Un Agenda Rural Européen post 2020To respond to the guidelines of the Cork DeclarationTo go beyond sectorial approaches by a more efficient transversal approachTo strengthen local development dynamics that mobilize citizensR.E.D.’s proposal presents a truly innovative approach with new tools to
Post Cork 2.0
Adopted at the end of the conference organized by Commissioner Hogan in September 2016, the Cork Declaration is a strong political document which has to be well used at the Commission.The international association Rurality – Environment - Development calls for a European Rural Agenda, to be ...
Making Europe grow with its rural territories
The new strategic proposal of R.E.D. by 2030 "Making Europe grow with rural areas" which provides a general framework of inspiration for the European programming after 2020 and for the Rural Agenda that we want to see in it.The rural territories are part of the solution because they have an ...
RED – Com 2013/1
Multiannual financial framework 2014-2020 : a bad answer to the crisis “Une mauvaise réponse à la crise”
RED – Com 2012/3
“2014-2020: together for a new impetus. Prospects in line with the stakes of the rural territories “
RED – Com 2012/2
Comments on the proposals of regulations of the European Commission for the programming period 2014-2020
RED – Com 2012/1
“Rural-Urban. Balanced interrelations to achieve Europe 2020 strategy and territorial cohesion”
RED – Com 2010/4
“Proposal for a post-2013 European policy on rural territories”.
RED – Com 2010/2
“Contribution to the territorial cohesion”