COVID-19 : Rural territories & Solidarity – We relay your initiatives
- Multiple solidarity activities organized by Familles Rurales throughout France to support rural communities (FR)
- Rubizmo article on « Building rural resilience in a post-coronavirus economy » (EU)
- EuroGites survey on the impacts of COVID-19 on rural tourism (EU)
- Collaborative guide of economic solidarity initiatives by the REAS (ES)
- French Red Cross Initiative “Confinés et Solidaires – Neighborhood volunteering” (FR)
- Plan de Choque Social, call for strong solidarity measures “Solidarity shock plan” (ES)
Municipalities and public authorities
- Proposals from the French Rural Mayors Association (AMRF) “Dare to recover through the local level” (FR)
- Census of local producer on an online platforms by the Gironde region “Consume locally to support producers” (FR)
- Community Support Platform “YouSafe Malta” (MA)
- Platform for organizing volunteering in municipalities “#NotreCommuneSolidaire” (BE)
- Bouge ton Coq & Association des Maires ruraux de France, “This round’s on me! – Solidarity aperitif for all villages” (FR)
- AMF, AMRF, ANPP, APVF, FNCOFOR, CPIE, Régions de France et Villes de France’s Call for solidarity to mass distribution for local producers (FR)
- Plastic collection for the manufacture of masks for the nursing staff and the EPHAD – NumériLab of Bras-sur-Meuse (FR)
Field Players
- Implementation of a “medical drive” and of a “patient circuit” by the Hospital of Gap (FR)
- ADEFPAT supporting local projects, actors and territories « Live from the territories » (FR)
- Census of local solidarity initiatives by the French Rural Network « Initiatives, solidarity and perspectives in rural areas facing COVID-19 » (FR)
- Network of volunteers to help vulnerable people “SOS vizinho” (PT)
- Solidarity network of local mutual aid groups “Covid-Entraide France” (FR)
- Proposal to create a Rural Economic Network to facilitate recovery in rural areas (ES)
Local businesses
- Platform to localize local farmers in Brittany (FR)
- El Hueco‘s rural “hackaton” 20 ideas to fight against the crisis in rural Spain (ES)
- Young Farmers Association (FJA) map of direct sales farmers « Mangeons Wallon! » (BE)
- Sale of local products in Stockem “La Ruche qui dit Oui!” (BE)
- Sale and delivery of local products for vulnerable people “Letzshop” (LU)
- Map of short food supply chains in Auvergne to support local producers (FR)
- Website of solidarity with SMEs and artisans (FR)
- eCommerce platform for local shops and producers “SmartRezo” (FR)
3D printing for caregivers by Alchimies et OpenEDGE (FR)
Cultural stakeholders
- Musketeers of Heritage and Culture, initiative to support cultural institutions by pre-selling tickets (FR)
- CCB‘s daily cultural recommendations « #DontStopCulture #CultureVSCovid19″ (BE)
- UFISC survey « Mobilization and Cooperation Arts and Culture against COVID-19: what measures and support to deal with the crisis? » (FR)
- Cultural diversity and solidarity: Statement by the UFISC (FR)
- Children’s drawings to support nursing staff at Vivalia hospitals « #Soutienànoshéros #jedessineàlamaison » (BE)
- Solidarity Fundraiser « Running 12h for the hospitals » (BE)
- Free protective masks hung on trees (BE)